Monday, December 14, 2009

DragonBall Kai Blu-ray Box Set.

Forget the intro, no one ever reads this. Lets just get to the pretty pretty pictures!

The box front...

Two side panels...

The back...

The image on the disc book...

The disc book...

It's not even fully attached! Oh well, not really complaining, this doesn't really bother me, just pointing it out cause it's there...

The disc art seems odd. All the characters look a little off. Maybe it's just me, what do you think?

The booklet that comes with it is pretty cool. It has an interview with Nozawa Masako which is already translated over on The book also includes an episode guide and what disc to find them on, how they remasterd Kai and the new bumpers...

Here are some images from the re mastering process blown up so you can see them better...

And that's pretty much as far as I can go without having a blu-ray drive in my computer. There are no extras or anything like that but I rather have taken a screen capture of the menu (which is the same on all the disc, except for the shots of the episode in those little squares) then put up a snapshot. Oh well, menu...


Thursday, November 12, 2009

DragonBox Vol 1 DVD Set (FUNimation)

So uh, lets just right into this...

The back of the box...

The piece of paper that was stuck onto the back cover...

The DVD Book... (I don't know if it's cause my scanner was dirty or that it was a reflective surface that made these scans look like shit. I windexed the glass on the scanner but it still looks dirty.)

The back of the DVD book...

A look at FUNimations version and the Japanese version side by side. If you couldn't guess, the tiny ones are the Japanese DVDs. (I took those Japanese DVD pics from

So it seems only two images are the same. Eh, I don't mind. I kinda like what FUNimation put there instead.

The Dragon book cover...

I didn't wanna scan the pages in the book cause I didn't wanna ruin the spine or anything. So I took some snap shots...

The wording of most of this stuff is in such a Japanese style, this has to be translated from the original book. Anyone know for sure?

Holy shit, there is a wall of images and I didn't even get to the actual DVDs.

Now, I'm pretty sure the Japanese menus move. Meaning it's part of an episode playing behind the scouter. Can anyone confirm this? In these, it's just one image. Still, I'm not complaining, just saying...


Episode select (disc 1)...

Episode select - screen 2 (disc 3)

If you choose to watch the dub, there isn't any opening or closing credits, it just plays the Japanese version. Instead the dub credits scroll up at the very end of the disc...

DVD credits...

Random screen shots, cause we don't have enough!

Comparison shots...

And thats about it. :D