Thursday, November 5, 2009

DragonBall Evolution DVD.

So here it is, the movie we've all been monitoring since early development: DragonBall Evolution. First off I'm gonna say this is a bare bones release (Correction: It's "middle of the road" at worst). It's just the DVD, no booklet and a hand full of extras. I'm not gonna waste space with showing you the cover, we all know what that looks like by now. So here is the back...

When I opened it up there was a recycle logo cut right into the case, I thought that was pretty funny. Also under the disc it's cut out too so... what's up with that? The art they chose for the disc ain't too bad though...

As for what's on the actual disc. The menu's show various scenes of the movie with the menu options on the bottom...

The special features consist of...

Deleted scenes consist of...

A shot of Mai's death by stabbing... I think this would have been better then Yamcha shooting her but, then again this whole movie is a little odd so if she died by stabbing or shooting it really wouldn't have made much of a difference.

You'll notice another special feature is "Goku's workout". What is it? Well it's two guys who worked on the movie showing you how they pulled off some of Goku's moves. So you would think they just show you how to edit a movie so it looks like people are fighting right? Well it's two guys behind a poorly drawn CGI background doing some stupid ass moves, I couldn't watch this more then 5 seconds...

Another special feature is the gag reel. I'm gonna just tell you right now that no, that dance they do on top of that rock thingy isn't here, sorry. But what is here is some weird shots that weren't even in the movie. It looks like Goku's transformation was going to look a little different in the early stages, and we've seen this in early shots of the movie. But now there is a few scenes in the gag reel with this transformed Goku that aren't even bloopers! Maybe being they didn't use this look is a blooper?

Hey two Yamcha's... wait how is this a blooper?

The languages consist of...

Yea, no Japanese. Did anyone really expect a Japanese track though?

...A Shot of the scene selection menu...

And just for good measure I suppose I should put up some screen shots...

And that's about it.
Very Happy

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