Here they are spread eagel...
The first thing I noticed was the size, I was expecting it to be like the Shonen Jump Collectors Edition. It was actually much much smaller, just a little bigger then the regular editions. Speaking of the original releases, the original cover art is under the book jacket. So, if you were worried about the cover art sucking ass then you can just take the jacket off I suppose.
Next thing is censorship... Now, this is kind of a wired thing with these books. The DragonBall one is censored but the DragonBall Z one is not. The reason for that is in the first volume of DB, there was some editing (Bulma's boobs...) but in the first volume of DBZ there was really nothing to censor so, it was just a fluke. Unless Iam wrong... If someone here knows of any cencorship in the first volume of DBZ then just let me know. I'll compare.
Oh and by the way, this is a one shot deal. They aren't releasing the whole series like this. I was talking to Kaboom about this before. He said VIZ released some other manga like this, just one shot first volume deals so...
Bottom Line: If you were looking for a definitive version of the DragonBall manga in English, this isn't it. While still good for collectors to pretty up there shelf's (which it actually encourages you to do in the jacket flap). I wouldn't waste my money on this if you already have volume 1 of these books.
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ReplyDeleteIronically, whatever the "uncensored" bit of the DBZ book is... it's not showing up. Just a broken image icon. :D
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